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Robert Griffin lll Axed From ESPN Talk Show

He had several years left in his contract and the reason for firing is unknown.

Usher Injures His Neck Which Postponed The Tour

The singer Usher injured himself during a dance rehearsal. So he is taking it nice and slow until He is 100,

Erica Mena Dogged Safaree Over A Video Of Him Giving Back In Jamaica

Miss Mena is hating on her ex for doing good for poor children in Jamaica.

Former Disney Star Skai Jackson Arrested For Attacking Her Boyfriend In Public!

The police intervened and reviewed the surveillance before charging her for pushing him. Neither seem to want this to escalate but police took her to jail anyway.

Simone Biles Refusing To Reconcile With Birth Mother!

Her mother want a relationship with her daughter but unfortunately, Biles is not interested.

R.Kelly Got 30 Years Sentence!

Robert Sylvester Kelly is a disgraced R&B singer who messed with underaged girls during his career. He was sentenced to 30 years in prison.

Nick Cannon Expecting Three Babies By Women!

Mr. Cannon is not stopping any time soon. He dropping babies while he stays rich! Three women are